"Hey, remember that actor from the movie last night? What was his name again?"

You've probably experienced that feeling before: You remember an actor or actress from a movie, and you can vividly picture their face. But who is it?

With Who is That, you can find that actor or actress interactively! We will show you four faces, and all you have to do is to click on the one who looks most like the person you have in mind. Just repeat this process a few times, until your target appears among the four faces. Click Found to take you to their details.

If you cannot find your target, he/she might not be in our database yet. We expand our coverage continually, so check back again soon.

Are you ready to begin? Click on one of the buttons below
To search for someone, click here
To compare pairs of faces, click here

About Who is That

Who is That uses machine learning to organize a collection of objects (here, faces of actors) so as to make them interactively searchable via similarity queries. It is a demonstrator platform to experiment with and showcase research done at the INDYlab at EPFL. Our approach combines concepts from representation learning, reinforcement learning, discrete-choice theory, and Bayesian inference.

Project team


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